
Seeking information on IU Indianapolis? You’re in the right place!

99%BSN graduate employment rate

#2Best schools' top online BSN to RN Programs

1,300Average number of nursing students at IU Indianapolis

Traditional and online nursing programs

IU School of Nursing at Indianapolis is surrounded by five hospitals with a sixth a few blocks away and offers dozens of programs and degree track combinations.

The School was established in 1914 as the Indiana University Training School for Nurses with the opening of Robert W. Long Hospital and launched the establishment of IU School of Nursing across the state of Indiana.

No matter what path you choose, you’ll get:

Our dedicated IU School of Nursing faculty and staff enable student success. A full 100% of our faculty hold master’s degrees, 58% are doctorally prepared, and 71% of the staff hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Robin P. Newhouse, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN & Dean IU School of Nursing

Keep learning throughout your career

We offer conferences, webinars, and online courses through our Center for Professional Development and Lifelong Learning that can help you enhance your skills, connect with colleagues, and increase your confidence and marketability.

Find out more about continuing education